About Me

Hello! I always wanted to be a teacher. When I was probably in junior high, I wanted to teach 3rd grade because my friend's little brother was that age and he seemed so sweet! (*cough*) By the time I got to college, I wanted to teach high school or junior high because those students can think deep and you don't have to teach "easy" subjects like phonics.

I majored in history with a minor in creative writing, came home, homeschooled my junior high niece for a little over a year, then was hired for the only available position around--1st and 2nd combo class teacher for a small, country, Christian school. Not exactly the grades I wanted, but God is sovereign. I spent the year learning on my feet, trying not to drown, and gaining an appreciation for teachers of "easy" subjects! Because of cutbacks, I was let go when the year was up and spent the next school year tutoring in reading and truly falling in love with teaching phonics!

Now I'm back at the same school, teaching a small class of 2nd and 3rd graders. I feel I have a chance to make a fresh start, implementing what I have learned this year about working with younger kids and creating a classroom environment that is friendly and upbeat!

Well, that's my story. I'm nervous about blogging through my adventures, but...too bad!


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